Welcome, dear wanderers. 

I’m so glad you’ve found your way to my website. It’s all kind of new and clunky right now, so bear with me as I pull my act together and create a space where we can all laugh and be authentic and learn about ourselves and each other.

In case we don’t have the pleasure of one another’s acquaintance yet, let me tell you a few things about myself.

  1. I write fiction, mostly fantasy.
  2. I read (and edit) fiction, all kinds.
  3. I have a collie named Tag, the best dog in the world.
  4. I love Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Doctor Who. I’m sure I should have been born British.
  5. I believe that unicorns, fairies, and dragons exist in some shape or form. I’m always looking for them.
  6. I like to play games. Settlers of Catan, Space Alert, Dominion, and good old Dominoes are my favorites.
  7. I read tarot. I love the insights about my life that I get when I contemplate the cards.
  8. I don’t believe that I can tell the future.
  9. I like to read and write stories about strong women, about animals, about freedom fought for and justice won.
  10. I value honesty and authenticity in my fiction and in real-life relationships.

Whether you stumbled in through a google search or you’re a longtime friend, I’m so glad you’ve found your way here. I hope you’ll make yourself at home. Look around, ask me questions. I love to chat. I only ask that you treat your fellow wanderers with respect and an open heart.


Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our arms are identical and our hearts are open. – J.K. Rowling.

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