Do you feel like a success yet? If not, that’s ok. We’re all striving for that feeling in some way or another. But maybe take a few minutes and take stock of how far you’ve come.
If you think about it, success is really a matter of perspective. It may not look the way you first thought it would. And it can be hard to let go of that expectation, that picture of what you felt being successful would look like.
But for all you feel like you still have miles to go to attain that elusive goal, there are so many more who feel like you’re miles ahead of them and wish they could for a moment be in your shoes.
When you first started writing, did you ever think you’d make it like this? But all your hard work has finally paid off in a big way. Now it’s time to celebrate your success by giving back. Is there a young writers’ fund you can donate to? Do you have time to mentor a few new writers along their journey? The best way to strengthen the effects of your success is to give back. The circle is turning. Now it’s your turn to be generous and remember those who helped get you to where you are now.
Key words: completion, success, prosperity
It’s time to shift our perspective from what we wish we could still do to what we can be proud of having done. As they say, a rising tide lifts all boats. How can we be part of that effort to raise up others around us, to celebrate and help redefine success until we are able to shake off that nagging feeling that we “should” be somewhere other than here where we are right now, in this moment.
There’s room for everyone to live lives that reflect joy and success, no matter what stage of the journey we find ourselves on. Our value comes from our being, not from our doing. If we could truly embrace that, then we’d be able to see just how much of a success we already are.