So I’m trying something different this month… well “different”. I’m committing to posting… something… as often as I can. Because when I let my voice go silent for too long it becomes rusty, and I am BEYOND rusty right now.
I have friends who are posting every day in December and have picked a theme they will stick to and… that all feels so overwhelming to me! And the fear in my head and my heart is that I really don’t have anything to say that anyone wants to hear. Anyone else feel this way about themselves? I spend a LOT of time telling other people how much their voice matters, how much their story matters… And so… For right now at least… I am extending that grace to myself and choosing to believe it for ME TOO!
So for the next few weeks, I’m going to attempt some Seth Godin-style, short and sweet musings on the page, as often as possible. That may include a photograph or a video of something random (like the handsomest Jack kitty here), or an essay on the nature of grieving. Or cheering for creative progress as its being made (by me, or you). If this doesn’t appeal to you, I understand, and send you my blessings as you clear your inbox. There’s an opt-out link on the bottom of the email page.
Love you. See you soon. Hopefully tomorrow!
Good start, except that I cannot feel through the computer the softness of Jack Jack the kitty.