a publishing adventure
First, Lunaria Tarot (my tarot deck for writers) has an agent! We’re currently shopping the deck for the perfect publisher. *dies* I mean, that’s kind of awesome, right? Oh, what’s that? I haven’t mentioned Lunaria Tarot here before? Well allow me to explain and show off a little of the gorgeous art that Jennifer Gerhart, illustrator of the deck and amazing human, has put together.
Lunaria Tarot started as an idea during a mentoring session with one of my favorite humans, Stuart Horwitz. We were talking about witchy-ness and tarot and my book coaching business and he suggested I write a tarot deck FOR WRITERS. Which of course! How could I not?
At first, we considered self-publishing our deck, but

as the project came together, and as we began to talk to more people about it, the potential for a larger market became apparent. After pitching the idea to my friend, Jennifer Chen Tran of Bradford Literary Agency, she signed me and took on the task of helping me polish a proposal for this beautiful deck.
We’re pitching to editors even as I send out this blog post. Keep an eye out for updates on this publishing journey!
website update
Also, in case you haven’t looked at the site recently, it’s brand new! I finally migrated away from the old SquareSpace site and set up a WordPress site at InMotion where I host my Writing Refinery website. I have been meaning to do this… for. EVAR. because it’s a cheaper option for me, and because I haven’t updated… ANYTHING… on the site in a long time. I’m thinking it’s time to revive the blog, and share my musings with the world again for a while. I hope you’ll stick around and join the conversation. Since I moved the site, I still have to work out the RSS feed and other pertinent sharing details. Bear with me in the process. I will figure everything out soon!

wild healers rising
Finally, I’ll be participating in a business mastermind group for the next year to help me develop … what’s next … for me. I’ve been dreaming of creative coaching for people who are blocked, whether by fear or by depression or anxiety, to help them break through and become their best creative selves. It’s part of what I do in my book coaching already, helping people release whatever is holding them back so they can tell their best story. I want to take that idea to the next level. Fear, of being seen, of doing it wrong, of not being good enough… fear is the main culprit keeping most people from daring to make art or do what they dream. It’s what holds me back so often. But… I have dreams of rooting out that fear and sending it back so that people can find their creative voice.
My amazing (former) therapist and beautiful friend Florie Wild runs this mastermind class for people to level up their dreams and to bring their healing work to life. I’m so excited to be a part. I’ll do my best to make regular updates here so that you can share in this next big phase with me!
As the lovely Janet Wallace said: “Don’t chase your dreams. Drag them kicking and screaming into reality.”
It’s time for me to recognize that my dreams are within my grasp. What about you?
If you want to keep following along with my publishing journey, my thoughts on magic and tarot, and my wild healer journey as well, make sure to sign up here!
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